Flying Horse
Eastern Han dynasty
2nd century
Kandarya Mahadeva Temple
Khajuraho, India
10th-11th centuries
The Great Stupa
Sanchi, India
10 BCE-15 CE
Fan Kuan
Travelers Among Mountains And Streams
Early 11th century
Pablo Picasso
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard
J. M. W. Turner
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons
Jacques-Louis David
Oath of the Horatii
Gustave Courbet
The Stone Breakers
Claude Monet
Impression: Sunrise
Essay Question #1: Define the word Realism and tell how we see the qualities of Realism in the work of Gustave Courbet.
Essay Question # 2: Write an honest evaluation of the course. What where your expectations coming into the course. Were your expectations met? What did you get out of the course? What aspect of the class did you enjoy? What aspects did you find unpleasant? What suggestions would you give me for what I could do differently in the future?
As long as you are honest (even if it involves criticisms) and as long as you write more than a couple of short sentences, you can get full credit for this essay question.