Thursday, September 2, 2010

How To Do An Event Write-Up

Here are some tips to follow to get the most out of your time at an art event:

1. Arrive with a pen and a notebook in which to write notes.
2. If there is any promotional material, a list of artwork titles, or information about the artist(s) available to the public, take it. These will help you learn more about the event and will serve you well when you begin writing.
3. If the artist is present (or group of artists) meet with him/her. Let them know you would like to learn more about their work and ask any questions that you might have. Make sure you write down anything you learn.
4. Bring along a classmate or a friend with whom you can discuss your thoughts about the event.
5. When viewing each artwork, approach it with the same considerations that we talked about in class (describing, analyzing, symbol, your emotional response, etc.).
6. RELAX, and enjoy yourself. Art events are meant to be leisurely and usually provide refreshments of some sort. Don't feel intimidated.

Once you have attended the event and you are ready to type your write-up, this is what I expect:

1. One typed page, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced.
2. Sufficient grammar and spelling.
3. The following information should be included:
When and where did you attend the event?
Describe the work you saw.
What did you learn from promotional material?
What did you learn from speaking to the artist(s)?
Choose one particular artwork and analyze it.
A summary paragraph with your opinions of the event and the work.
4. Make sure to have the following information in bold and centered at the top of your page:

Title & Date of the Event

Your Name

For example:
Horn Island 26, September 18, 2010

Jason Cole

If you have any questions, please contact me.

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