Thursday, September 16, 2010

Terms Of The Day For 9-17

Line - the path of a moving point; a path of action
Shape - the expanse within the outline of a two-dimensional area,or within the outer boundaries of a three-dimensional object
Space - the indefinable, general receptacle of all things--the seemingly empty space around us
Linear Perspective - a mechanical means of creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane using converging edges, diminishing size, etc.
Atmospheric (Aerial) Perspective - a means of creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional plane by diminishing value contrast, detail, color intensity, etc.
Hue - the simple color of a substance (blue, red, orange, etc.)
Value -the degree of lightness or darkness brightness of a color
Tone (Temperature) - the psychological temperature (cool, warm, neutral) of a color
Intensity (Saturation) - the degree of purity of a color
Unity - the intuitive perception of oneness among all the elements in a work of art
Variety - the use of opposing, contrasting, or diversifying elements in a composition to add individualism and interest
Balance - a feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various major visual elements in a picture (symmetrical, asymmetrical)
Formal Theories - type of art criticism focusing on the composition of the work and how it may have been influenced by earlier works
Sociocultural Theories - type of art criticism that is concerned with art as a product of a culture and value system.
Expressive Theories - type of art criticism which takes into account the artist’s attempt to express a personality or worldview.

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